(SRS) Sex Change Surgery in Mumbai

Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS), also known as gender reassignment surgery (GRS) and several other names, is a surgical procedure (or procedures) by which a transgender person’s physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble those socially associated with their identified gender. It is part of a treatment for gender dysphoria in transgender people.

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Sex reassignment surgery is a collection of surgical procedures which are commonly termed as ‘sex change’. The major reason behind undergoing this surgery is the gender identity disorder in which a biologically born man/woman identifies himself/herself as an opposite gender. In order to deal with psychological and physical issues related to the problem, Sex Reassignment surgery is known to provide the desired results.

The requirements include:
The patient should be over 18 years of age.
They must have undergone at least a year of hormone therapy and/or antiandrogens.
The patient should have been diagnosed with any of the following disorders: gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder, anxiety/depression related to the problem.
Approval from a qualified psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist is recommended.


The first step is the inversion of the penile skin and grafting a full thick skin.
The creation of the vaginal canal and opening is carried out under the prostate gland and the urethral opening. The length and depth of the vaginal canal largely depend upon the full-thickness skin graft from the scrotum. Scrotal hair needs to be shaved for the same.
A part of the head of the penis along with the nerves and vessels gets converted into the clitoris. And this helps to maintain the sensation and appearance of the clitoris.

The removal of excess erectile tissue around the urethra is done so as to eliminate the chances of narrowing of the vaginal canal.
The next step involves breast surgery, where there is a considerable enhancement of the patient’s breasts either by using fat from another part of the patient’s body or using breast implants. These implants are completely safe and can be modified to the patient’s needs.

MTF Surgery:


Vaginoplasty: Penile Inversion and Sigmoid Colon

Breast Augmentation

Buttock Augmentation

Body Sculpting

Facial Feminization Surgery:

  Hairline Correction

  Forehead Recontouring

  Brow Lift


  Cheek Implants

  Lip Lift

  Chin Recontouring

  Jaw Recontouring

Tracheal Shave

Hair Transplant Surgery

Voice Feminization Surgery


The first step is the removal of existing female organs – Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), Vaginectomy (removal of the vagina), and Salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries). Removing the ovaries stops the production of estrogen and makes the patient’s transition an achievable task.
In the next step, new male organs are constructed which involves surgeries like Scrotoplasty (to create a scrotum) and Phalloplasty (to create a penis).

Male chest reconstruction surgery, similar to gynecomastia, is performed to remove the breast tissues, including the milk ducts, and provide shaping of a male contoured chest.
The main goal of male-to-female surgery is to construct the cosmetically acceptable and functional penis. Urethral reconstruction is one of the biggest challenges for surgeons.
After the procedure, you will be prescribed medication to get rid of any pain or discomfort. Though in most of the cases the pain is mild and eventually subsides in a few hours. The surgeons will guide you about, how to take care of your new genital organs. The stitches made during the surgery will be removed after 5-7 days. And the patient will be discharged after that. It’s important for the patient to avoid any strenuous activity at the initial stage, including sexual indulgence, which may complicate the surgery.


FTM Surgery:


FTM Top Surgery: Double Incision, Peri-Areolar, Keyhole and Inverted-T

Hysterectomy: Total laparoscopic, lap-assisted and abdominal

Metoidioplasty: Simple Release, Ring Meta and Full Metoidioplasty

Mons Resection

Scrotoplasty & Testicular Implants

Body Sculpting

Facial Masculinization Surgery

Hair Transplant Surgery

For the patient, severe pain, bruising and general discomfort for days after the male-to-female procedure are common. And the female-to-male gender-reassignment surgery is even more difficult surgically, with a longer recovery period.
One of the most significant parts of transitioning for many transgender people is coming out for the first time. Transitioning is a process, not an event, that can take anywhere between several months and several years.

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