Liposuction Surgery in Mumbai

Stubborn Fat is hard to lose! with Liposuction its become easy to lose fat. if you looking for Liposuction Surgery in Mumbai, you have came to the right place, Consult with Celebrity Surgeon “Dr. Samir Ahire” Now.!
Liposuction in Mumbai is amongst the most commonly performed Cosmetic surgery in the world. As the name implies, it means sucking out the fat from the body, which is interestingly the only permanent surgical method of removal of fat from the body, with a very small cut (3-10 mm) from where the fat is sucked out through special instruments.
Evolve Cosmetic Clinic is one of the leading liposuction clinics in Mumbai for liposuction surgeries, offering ‘world-class treatment’. Our plastic surgeon will explain the techniques and liposuction cost to you in detail so that it is easy for you to make a confident decision.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Liposuction patients should be within 30% of their ideal body weight and in good general health. Ideal candidates are looking to slim down stubborn bulges or pockets of fat rather than remove large volumes across the body. The surgery is not a weight-loss procedure or a treatment for obesity.

During the liposuction procedure, your surgeon inserts a thin tube called a cannula into a small incision near the treatment area. Your surgeon uses this cannula to suction out the fat tissue with the help of a tumescent solution that liquefies the fat and makes it easier to remove.


Liposuction can be performed on various areas of the body, including the:


• Abdomen and waist
• Hips and buttocks
• Back
• Thighs
• Knees
• Upper arms
• Calves and ankles
• Cheeks
• Chin and neck

Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so there will be some swelling, pain and discomfort in the first few days of your recovery. Most people report feeling post-op pain up to four or five days, but it subsides quickly, and any lingering discomfort can be managed easily.
Yes. Smoking can affect your risk of bleeding and other complications, so you will need to quit (and stop all nicotine use) at least a month before your procedure. It’s also best to avoid smoking for about a month after your surgery as your body recovers.
Liposuction will not interfere with your ability to get pregnant. However, because hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause fat accumulation, women sometimes choose to wait until they’re finished having children to ensure their results will last as long as possible.
Most people feel more like their normal selves a week or 2 after surgery, but you’ll need to wait about 4 weeks before fully resuming your workout routine. You’ll need to get your surgeon’s clearance before returning to any rigorous workouts, especially those that target your treated areas.
Liposuction incisions are typically small and can be placed in inconspicuous locations, often in natural creases and folds in the skin. While you will have scars, it’s unlikely they will be noticeable, especially as they soften, flatten, and fade over time.
Depending on how much fat is removed, you can expect to see final results between 1-3 months after the procedure
Liposuction can make incredible changes to your body contour by eliminating unwanted bulges and pockets of fat. Traditional liposuction works by removing these stubborn fat cells from the body permanently, but it does little to tighten the skin of the treatment area.
Like all surgical procedures, there are some risks associated with each of the liposuction mentioned above. During your consultation, your surgeon will be able to fully layout any risks for the type of liposuction you choose. Generally speaking, however, liposuction is considered a safe procedure, and if you follow your post-op instructions closely, there are rarely any serious complications.
By 2 to 3 days after the procedure, most patients can comfortably drive their car. The decision when to return to work is, of course, an individual one and depends on the type of work you do.

1. Wear Your Compression Garment. After liposuction, your body’s natural response is to fill the treated area with fluid.
2. Maintain a Healthy Diet. Right after the procedure, it is important to drink plenty of liquids to stay well hydrated.
3. Exercise.
4. Long Term Results.

1. Do Not Push Yourself Too Fast. Even though liposuction does not involve extensive incisions, liposuction is still an invasive surgical procedure, and techniques like this require time to heal.
2. Take a Walk.
3. Say No to Cigarettes.
4. Hydrate Your Body.
5. Eat Well.
6. Keep Your Incisions Clean.
7. Avoid Tight-Fit Clothing.
8. Skip the Gym.

After liposuction you will typically need to wear compression garments for several weeks. For the first few weeks you will wear them ’round the clock, removing them only to shower. After about three weeks, you should be able to go without them in the evenings, wearing them only when needed for comfort and support.

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