What is Included in a Mommy Makeover?
Depending on your unique needs, a mommy makeover can include different procedures that address specific areas of your body. Whether you want to improve the fullness of your breasts or remove excess fat, Dr. Samir Ahire can help create a fully custom mommy makeover that restores your self-confidence and leaves you feeling beautiful.
A mommy makeover is usually a combination of two or more plastic surgery procedures. At Evolve Cosmetic Clinic, we offer a variety of treatment options, including:
Breast Lift: Sagging, stretched, and elongated breasts are very common after pregnancy and breastfeeding. This surgery lifts the breasts, tightens breast tissue, and reduces stretched areolas.
Breast Augmentation: After breastfeeding, you may struggle with deflated breasts. Dr. Ahire can use implants to augment the size and shape of your breasts. This includes saline, silicone, or IDEAL implants.
Liposuction: Dr. Ahire also offers both traditional liposuction and SmartLipo treatments. This method removes excess fat from the body and uses it to add volume to the breasts.
Tummy Tuck: This procedure helps address loose skin and residual fat around the stomach. Dr. Ahire removes any sagging skin and repairs stretched abdominal muscles for a flatter, toned look.
Brachioplasty: If your upper arms are a major concern, Dr. Ahire can perform a brachioplasty. This procedure will help correct extra skin and fat, leaving your arms with a contoured appearance.
At your first appointment, Dr. Samir Ahire can help you determine your candidacy for these different procedures and understand the different treatment options available to you.
Ready for a Mommy Makeover?
If you want to improve the appearance of your breasts or body after pregnancy, call Evolve Cosmetic Clinic today at 9819685222 to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Samir Ahire.